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Class 6 - Owl Class


Welcome to Wise Owl Class

Hello and welcome to Owls Class, where we soar high and set the standard for the younger years! As the leaders of our school family, we take on exciting roles—from head boy and girl to prefects, library monitors, and playground buddies. We lead by example with our school values and demonstrate what it means to be positive role models. 

In Year 6, we dive deep into our subjects with lots of research and questioning, following the national curriculum, using 'Pathways' for reading, writing, and spelling, while our maths skills take flight with 'White Rose'. Throughout the year, we explore many exciting 'Big questions' such as, “Is It Right To Fight?” and “Can We Save the Tiger?”, not to mention our thrilling trip to the Big Cat Sanctuary! Then in May, we take pride in showing off our academic skills with the SATs! Plus, we get ready for a fun residential trip to PGL at Windmill Hill, Surrey, and an end-of-year class performance to remember! 

Make sure to sign up for Class Dojo so you can stay in the loop with our weekly updates! We can’t wait to show you all the amazing things we’ll accomplish this year! 🦉✨

Meet our Year 6 Team



Our Learning Environment


Our Year 6 Curriculum